In the green environment of Kuusisaari, right by the sea, lies the Gyllenberg Art Museum, which showcases work by some of the most renowned artists from the Golden Age of Finnish art. Villa Gyllenberg’s collection includes pieces from masters such as Helene Schjerfbeck, Albert Edelfelt and Akseli Gallen-Kallela, while the former private residence of Signe and Ane Gyllenberg, the founders of the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, provides a beautiful backdrop for the art.
Commercial counsellor Ane Gyllenberg was a well-known art collector whose collection includes masterpieces from the Italian Renaissance, magnificent Finnish paintings and sculptures, as well as the largest private collection of Helene Schjerfbeck’s work.
The old side of the museum has been preserved in its original form, including the furniture and paintings. The art museum also showcases special exhibitions, concerts and other supplementary activities, as well as a cosy café.
Address Kuusisaarenpolku 11, 00340 Helsinki
E-mail villa(at)
+358 9 481 333 (during opening hours),
+358 9 647 390 (Office)
Opening hours
Wed 16–20
Sun 12–16
Entrance fee
Adults 10 €
Pensioner and students 8 €
Common ticket with Didrichsen art museum 18 €
Free entry with Museum card and for children under 15 years