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The collection of Liljendal Museum began accumulating in 1964, when students at Nylands Nation were surveying the area in co-operation with the homestead committee. Since the mid-1980s, the collection has been at the responsibility of the Liljendal homestead association, and the number of items has increased with the years. The granary is mainly used as a storage space for the museum’s collections. Downstairs, there are carts and large agricultural equipment. Domestic objects and other small items can be found upstairs.

The granary also exhibits a wagon modelled after an English hunting wagon as well as a hearse from the 1930s. The vehicles can be rented for various events, such as weddings and funerals.

Sockengården features a memorial exhibition arranged by veterans.

Address Rumpilantie 14, 07880 Liljendal

E-mail liljendal.hembygdsforening(at)

Phone +358 400 911 298

Opening hours By appointment

Entrance fee Voluntary admission fee

Guiding Guidance by appointment