In recent years, Fiskars Museum has developed into a local museum of living ironworks history. Through guided tours, time travels and events, we wish to give our visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in life at Fiskars Ironworks from the 17th century to present day. You will see many items and hear exciting stories from the history of the Ironworks. If you wish, you can sit down for a moment in our garden to marvel at the Upper Ironworks with its workshops.
Some of the permanent exhibitions at the museum are located in an ancillary building, Slaggbyggnaden. Various themed exhibitions are also located here. The permanent exhibition installed in the loft shows two 1940s style living environments: a widow’s room and a bachelor’s living quarters.
The old storage building, including the baker’s cottage and the mangle cottage, was revived for use as an educational area in 2006. This is the venue for time travel for children arranged by the museum during the summer. The museum is owned and maintained by Fiskars Local History Society. Pojo local history archives, located in conjunction with the museum, are also administered by the society. The archive collects, categorises and preserves materials with a connection to the local history of Pohja and Western Uusimaa.
Address: Peltorivi 13, 10470 Fiskars
Opening Hours: 1.4.-31.5.2016 wen-sun 11-16.
Archives Tue 15-18
Enquiries: +358-(0)19-237023, 237 013
Entrance Fee: 5 € discount ticket 3,50 € (Under 18 years free)