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In recent years, Fiskars Museum has developed into a local museum of living ironworks history. Through guided tours, time travels and events, we wish to give our visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in life at Fiskars Ironworks from the 17th century to present day. You will see many items and hear exciting stories from the history of the Ironworks. If you wish, you can sit down for a moment in our garden to marvel at the Upper Ironworks with its workshops.

Some of the permanent exhibitions at the museum are located in an ancillary building, Slaggbyggnaden. Various themed exhibitions are also located here. The permanent exhibition installed in the loft shows two 1940s style living environments: a widow’s room and a bachelor’s living quarters.

The old storage building, including the baker’s cottage and the mangle cottage, was revived for use as an educational area in 2006. This is the venue for time travel for children arranged by the museum during the summer. The museum is owned and maintained by Fiskars Local History Society. Pojo local history archives, located in conjunction with the museum, are also administered by the society. The archive collects, categorises and preserves materials with a connection to the local history of Pohja and Western Uusimaa.

Address: Peltorivi 13, 10470 Fiskars

Opening Hours: 1.4.-31.5.2016 wen-sun 11-16.

Archives Tue 15-18

Enquiries: +358-(0)19-237023, 237 013

Entrance Fee: 5 € discount ticket 3,50 € (Under 18 years free)

In recent years, Fiskars Museum has developed into a local museum of living ironworks history. Through guided tours, time travels and events, we wish to give our visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in life at Fiskars Ironworks from the 17th century to present day. You will see many items and hear exciting stories from the history of the Ironworks. If you wish, you can sit down for a moment in our garden to marvel at the Upper Ironworks with its workshops.

Some of the permanent exhibitions at the museum are located in an ancillary building, Slaggbyggnaden. Various themed exhibitions are also located here. The permanent exhibition installed in the loft shows two 1940s style living environments: a widow’s room and a bachelor’s living quarters.

The old storage building, including the baker’s cottage and the mangle cottage, was revived for use as an educational area in 2006. This is the venue for time travel for children arranged by the museum during the summer. The museum is owned and maintained by Fiskars Local History Society. Pojo local history archives, located in conjunction with the museum, are also administered by the society. The archive collects, categorises and preserves materials with a connection to the local history of Pohja and Western Uusimaa.

Address: Peltorivi 13, 10470 Fiskars

Opening Hours: 1.4.-31.5.2016 wen-sun 11-16.

Archives Tue 15-18

Enquiries: +358-(0)19-237023, 237 013

Entrance Fee: 5 € discount ticket 3,50 € (Under 18 years free)

Fiskars museum har utvecklats till ett levande lokalmuseum för brukskultur. Vi vill genom guidningar, tidsresor och evenemang ge besökaren en upplevelse om livet i Fiskars bruk från 1600- till 2000-talet. Hos oss kan du se föremålen och höra de spännande berättelserna från brukets historia. I vår trädgård kan du sätta dig  och blicka över Övre bruket och dess verkstäder.

I museets huvudbyggnad finns basutställningen Livet på Fiskars bruk. Där presenteras bruksbornas vardag och fest från 1600-talet och fram till idag. Under sommarsäsongen har besökarna möjlighet att bekanta sig med Slaggbyggnadens vind. Där presenteras en utställning som visar hur man levde i bruket under andra världskriget och tiden fram till 1970-talet.

Sommartid är även Opp-i-bruke utställningen öppen. Fiskars museum ligger i kärnan av det så kallade Övre bruket, på fiskarsdialekt Opp-i-bruke, som en gång i tiden var centrum för grovsmidesindustrin i bruket. I Opp-i-bruke utställningen presenteras de olika verkstäderna och verksamheten under brukets blomstringstid kring sekelskiftet 1900. I samma byggnad finns även den gamla bagarstugan och lekgjuteriet som används i museets pedagogiska verksamhet.

Museets ägs och upprätthålls av Fiskars hembygdsförening r.f. Föreningen upprätthåller även Pojo lokalhistoriska arkiv som finns i anslutning till museet. Arkivet har som uppgift att samla in, ordna upp och uppbevara lokalhistoriskt material med anknytning  till Pojo och västra Nyland.

Adress: Åkerraden 13, 10470 Fiskars

Öppet:1.6.-31.8. 2016 varje dag 11-17. Övriga tider enligt överenskommelse.

Pojo lokalhistoriska arkiv: tis 15-18

Förfrågningar: (019) 237 023, (019) 237013

Inträdesavgift: 5 €, Rabattbiljett 3,50€. Under 18 år gratis.